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Hi! I'm Becka, registered yoga teacher.

I’m also a business development executive, world traveler, former collegiate athlete & certified holistic nutritionist. Welcome to Becka Flo Yoga, a platform that offers various levels of vinyasa yoga.
I received my training through the Awakening Yoga Academy and I’m registered with the Yoga Alliance. In addition to online, I teach for the Histiocytosis Association, the Girl Scouts, and at a number of local high schools. As a former softball player & athlete, I never had much interest in yoga, until I took my first class five years ago and walked out nearly hobbling. While the unexpected physical workout had me hooked at that moment, I had no idea that over time I’d develop such a sense of peace and connection within my own mind & spirit.
My motivation for becoming a teacher has much to do with this transformation and it’s my continued goal to provide both a physical and spiritual workout for my students every time they step on the mat.
So, come flow with me!